Johannes Winkler
Johannes Winkler

Johannes Winkler * 1984, lives and works as a freelance media artist, composer and lecturer in Essen, Germany. His more recent work explores recursive relationships between 'counting and dreaming' and includes visual, auditory and conceptual works. Since 2017 he has been re-composing his wide-ranging oeuvre in audiovisual works and lectures - as artistic research in image / film, text and music:

On Instagram, Mr. Winkler re-composes his oeuvre as audio-visual 'slide compositions'. Each post represents a multi-page work and is telling, documenting, anticipating about the cybernetic everyday, metaphysics and aesthetics: people and art - people and numbers - people and nature - people and people. Swipe all 150+ compositions on Instagram:

/// screenings | lectures | concerts

Stadtmuseum Simeonstift Trier, Tamil Culture Fine Arts Academy Germany, Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut Tübingen, ZKM Karlsruhe, Fournos Center Athen, Musica Acoustica Peking, Pact Zollverein, Folkwang Udk Essen, C.A.R. - Contemporary Art Ruhr, Atelierfrankfurt, Landesmusikakademie NRW

/// prizes

winning soundart-piece at 'Karl Marx - wilde Lieder' international composition competition, 2018 Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, UK | Trier, GER 'tetralemmatic roses for a birthday' - with Elisabeth A. M. Kaiser (vocal performance) First prize Supercollider-Code-Marathon, ZKM Karlsruhe, 2013 - (live-coding community)

Johannes Winkler

Johannes Winkler

german composer, artist, lecture performer | | #theoryofmedia #contemporarymusic #newnarrative #transmedialart | Insta: